
Thank you very much for visiting our website.

Mirai Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. has a mission to contribute to the improvement of health and welfare in the local community, and we are proud to develop our business.

Pharmaceuticals are important elements that support people's health, and their supply is a social responsibility and issue. We are committed to providing reliable pharmaceuticals through strict quality control and an appropriate distribution network.

In addition, we give top priority to the relationship of trust with our business partners. We strive to provide prompt and efficient services that meet the needs and demands of our clients. Our customers' success is also our success.

Moreover, we are committed to continuous improvement and innovation to keep up with the latest trends in the industry. We are making daily efforts to respond flexibly to the changing market environment and to provide better medical services.

Finally, as a socially responsible company, we are also actively involved in environmental protection and social contribution activities. For a sustainable future, we will value cooperation with local communities and contribute to their development.

Our team is made up of people with expertise and passion. In order to meet the needs of our customers, we will continue to make every effort to provide better services.

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to all of you for your patronage. We hope that you will continue to use our website and send us your opinions and requests.

On behalf of all the representatives, I wish you all the best in your health and happiness.

thank you.

About Us

Corporate name Mirai Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.
Address 18-16 Shiba Shinmachi, Kawaguchi City, Saitama Prefecture
TEL 048-201-7713
FAX 048-202-0189
capital \8,000,000
Pharmaceuticals wholesale sales license No. 3-1000843



Contact us by phone

Weekdays: 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
Closed: Sundays

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